Important changes to the Motor Insurance Database
The current Motor Insurance Database (MID) administered by the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB) is changing IT platform

Important changes to the Motor Insurance Database for Motor Fleet and/or Motor Trade insurance customers
The current Motor Insurance Database (MID) administered by the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB) is changing IT platform from the current portal to a new modern platform called Navigate on Monday 29th April 2024.
All the vehicles on the current MID IT platform will be moved by the MIB to the new platform over the weekend of 27th April.
To access Navigate, users will be required to set up a new password with two-factor authentication (2FA). MIB will send out an email on how to access Navigate to all those users currently registered, and who update their own vehicles, before it goes live. The email will be sent from – look out for this as it is genuine.
Please note, only the lead email account will be automatically updated. All other users will need to register as a new user.
The current MID portal will not be able to be accessed after 18.00 on Friday 26th April and the new Navigate portal will go live at 08.00 on Monday 29th April. This does mean users will not be able to update vehicles over that weekend.
If we currently update the MID on the users behalf no action is required.
Should users have any queries about accessing the new system after Monday 29th April please contact your usual PIB contact. Users can also access the online guides from the MIB: