Digital Healthcare Webinar - Are you covered?

We recently hosted a digital healthcare webinar where we discussed the emerging risks and strategies to navigate these challenges.

Healthcare Webinar

Digital Healthcare Webinar - Are you covered?

In a recent webinar, our experts explored the diverse challenges that healthcare organisations and professionals face as they navigate the emerging risks of digital healthcare; whilst transforming how patient care is delivered. Our panel covered a variety of digital healthcare topics, including:

  • Understanding eHealth and Digital Healthcare
  • Identifying Emerging Risks
  • Recognising Potential Exposures
  • Consideration of risks and mitigation options
  • Gain insights into real-world claim experiences
  • Implications of working across multiple geographic territories
  • Share strategies for a sustainable business model

Don't worry if you could not make the live session, we are delighted to share the recording of the webinar below:

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